Post by TheUdjat on May 27, 2008 15:08:44 GMT -5
Games I’m thinking about running:
1. Four – 4th Edition D&D, Homebrew Setting, Level 1, Four Players
Four is the Golden Number. Four cardinal directions, four seasons, four elements; the four iron dukes, four times four constellations, Forty Fiends, and Four Hundred Planes. It is through the Sacred Four that our world is built, and it is perhaps through four that it will fall... Unless four can stand to save it.
As a sort of inaugural for Fourth Edition, my mind conjured up a world revolving around the number 4 in its many forms (it has always been one of my favorite numbers). The world deals heavily with the interplay of the four elements, especially. It will use the brand new 4th edition rules, with some stylistic changes for the world (though mechanics will be entirely unchanged, or nearly so). Incidentally, these rules aren’t out yet, so the campaign still has roughly a month before it could begin.
2. The Great Race – D&D 3.5, Eberron, Level 6ish, Up to Eight Players (even numbers only).
Ladies and Gentlemen, before we begin, let me remind you of the rules. You will be divided into pairs, and will follow clues to each checkpoint—whichever team arrives last to each checkpoint is disqualified. You must make it to the final destination, obtain the treasure, and bring it back here together, alive, to win. Besides that... anything’s fair.
This game is an experiment. Instead of one party, PCs would be randomly divided into teams of two, to compete against each other and a host of other NPC teams. The Great Race will take teams across the world of Eberron, trying to outdo one another in a massive scavenger hunt. Nobody will have any foreknowledge of each other’s characters prior to the game’s start.
3. Threads – Mutants and Masterminds, Alternative Earth, PL 6/8, 3-6 Players
Most people don’t know it, but there are really two worlds out there, not one. There’s the world we know—the material, the real—and the place where Imagination lives. It’s not just in your head, you know. It goes somewhere, exists in some other place that we can only visit in daydreams and nightmares. It’s the place where gods live and storybook heroes battle evil, and where your worst fears wait for you daily. You’d never know this, of course, because there’s no way to get to that world outside of dreams... or at least, there didn’t used to be.
The things from our imagination have found a way out, though, and they’ve started slipping through the cracks. Little by little, all around the world, the border is fraying, and the unravelled Threads of imagination are falling through... and nothing is unchanged in their wake.
Stories are coming to life, and our stories are violent.
This is a setting from a serial novel I’ve been working on, and I’ve half a mind to try it out in game form. Players would start as regular people ‘changed’ by Threads, granted certain powers—and curses. It bears some similarities to a superhero game, but noticeably darker.
Sky’s the limit, character-wise.
4. Lost Carcosa – Mutants and Masterminds, Homebrew Setting, PL 5, 3-6 players.
Along the shore the cloud waves break, The twin suns sink behind the lake, The shadows lengthen In Carcosa.
Strange is the night where black stars rise, And strange moons circle through the skies, But stranger still is Lost Carcosa.
Songs that the Hyades shall sing, Where flap the tatters of the King, Must die unheard in Dim Carcosa.
Song of my soul, my voice is dead, Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed Shall dry and die in Lost Carcosa.
Set in an alternate incarnation of Carcosa, a city that stands as the last bastion of mankind in a world torn apart by The Calamity some hundreds of years ago. Humanity survives as a megalopolis ruled by a tyrannical theocracy dedicated to the Shepherd King, the savior of all mankind.
But humanity wasn’t the only thing to survive the Calamity. The monsters and things that go bump in the night have tagged along, and in man’s darkest hour, they may prove too much to overcome. Players will soon find themselves drawn into the bleak struggle for humanity’s survival against the natural and the unnatural.
Like Threads, this is a homespun world, but it is more horror/fantasy-based than Threads, and indeed much darker. PCs will be less powerful, and will face tougher challenges and opposition. This setting is also based on some of my writing, as some of you who have read the novel will know.
This isn’t a poll, just a request for feedback. What strikes your interest, if anything? Why? What other kinds of games would you like to see on KMan’s? I’m not sold on anything as of yet, and as you see, I have many ideas. Share what’s on your mind.
Post by menatkhufu on May 27, 2008 15:58:56 GMT -5
"Four" should be. Just because the entry is beautiful =)
Post by Japic on May 27, 2008 16:05:13 GMT -5
Since it's not a poll, I can provide my opinion completely aside from "I'm in".
1. Good idea, it should be fun to see how such a numerical theme pans out, and to what depth it runs. Problem here is the new 4th edition rules. There's going to be a huge learning curve on the rules. It makes it not my first choice because I have no time for those rules yet.
2. While interesting in concept, the nature of PbP posting makes this tough. It's hard to keep two teams on similar time tables based on the speed of PbP and the amount of posts, and the speed of accomplishment on either side. As such if there's four teams all trying to stay on a similar timetable, I'm not sure how you can be sure they have a fair chance. If you've got a mechanic to keep this on track, then go for it. If not, you'll want to consider the PbP restrictions.
3. Sounds like fun, though not my style. The M&M world is full of wonderful campaign possibilities, and this sounds fun, if not for everyone.
4. based on the world you paint in your Novel, this sounds very cool. Dark settings and questionable odds make for good roleplaying. Good luck if you run this. I might even read.
Now as to what we're missing, I honestly believe that we're missing the quick and easy appetizer type of games. The Shorts are appropriate for getting folks a taste of any particular system or setting, without commiting to a long and drawn out game. Atleast that's what they're designed for. Problem here comes from lack of activity on that board. That's up to DMs though. I've seen a few new people around, and a taste of PbP before fully commiting to something might be a good idea... IMO... for what it's worth.
And sorry again for not being a DM meself, I just can't manage these days. I've only got a 40 hour work week this time though. Mind you that's in four days, so maybe that's not as good as it sounds. Stupit job....
Post by VemuKhaham on May 27, 2008 16:24:46 GMT -5
Hmm, very interesting, especially the team race in Eberron. Just with two characters a team, that would be a nice change from the regular 3+ parties. And of course the large scavenger hunt thing seems great as well. I have but one problem that strikes me with this game (that I may consider playing in if you run it), which is that with different teams, how are you going to resolve the ever present prouble of different timelines. Especially if you're considering making this a long-distance race. It's just a concern that, given that this is a race, seems quite fundamental. Edit: I second Japic's concern.
Post by Rojito on May 27, 2008 17:48:07 GMT -5
Hmm ok i'll try for more than 'I'm in' as well.
1. I like the sound of it... alot. Its got alot of flavor to it and i would definately like to see where it goes.
2. Interesting Idea, i have seen some Amazing Race on tv, and assume it would be like that, but never been a huge fan of it. But playin it would definately be worthwhile.
3/4. As you know i am not a Huge fan of MnM, but i have been tossing a few character ideas around that i feel i should REALLY attempt to play... if i can ever figure out how to make them... so yeah while either setting is very unique, i would play either.
Post by Badasterysk on May 27, 2008 18:14:53 GMT -5
1. Reserving comment (if you've got nothing nice to say...) I like the premise, I'm just being crotchety about 4e. 2. Only played Eberron once, worst gaming experience of my life. I'd like to play it with someone who is a great story teller (boy, if that doesn't get me in ). 3. Well, I just recently purchased (this past weekend) M&M 2e... ;D 4. Same as above, but I think I'd prefer 3. Also, how do I get my hands on your novel(s)? BTW- 300 and counting!
Post by Deekin on May 27, 2008 21:26:33 GMT -5
1. From my read on 4e so far, sounds awesome.
2. Eberron in the hands of a storyteller like you? Awesome.
3 & 4. Sound interesting. I'm allways up for M&M.
Post by TheUdjat on May 28, 2008 8:00:27 GMT -5
1. Good idea, it should be fun to see how such a numerical theme pans out, and to what depth it runs. Problem here is the new 4th edition rules. There's going to be a huge learning curve on the rules. It makes it not my first choice because I have no time for those rules yet. You guys can't hide from 4e forever. I almost started typing out how I feel 4e will be an improvement, etc, etc, but that's really not the point of this post. 4e is here, and it warrants some playtesting to see how it works. Here's your opportunity. Ultimately, if the story is good and the storyteller is competent (admittedly debateable ), then it shouldn't matter too much whether I use D&D 4e or Big Eyes Small Mouth or Palladium. On the other hand, there's only room for (of course) 4 players, and that shouldn't be hard to find around here. Barring any unprecedented surges of interest in the other ideas, I will probably be running Four as my next game.
Flattery will get you guys everywhere. The Great Race does have an obvious complication, and I admit that I'm still not sure entirely how to eliminate it. Timing is tricky, and keeping track of time (from my experiences with XCrawl and Masks) can be a freaking pain. On the other hand, the only time this game could work is in a PbP format--can you imagine the chaos at a gaming table? Split parties work so much better online. Hopefully checkpoints will resolve this to some extent. Having several set objectives wherein everyone will start at the same time again should keep it from getting horribly out of hand. Combat is the biggest threat to the timing, since six seconds of combat can take place in the same time as a week of travel, depending on how they're written. It would take a lot of improvisation. Might work, might suck. Considering the work involved, it's one of the less likely games that I'll pursue. On the other hand, it allows for the most players. It's a toss up. But it's an idea, so I thought I'd put it out there. It would be fantastic with Eberron. And Roj - I'm referring more to the original Great Race. Never watched the Amazing Race, so I'm not sure how that goes.
I like 3 and 4 because they're not D&D. I was looking at the boards, and I realized that we have only 3 games that aren't straight-up D&D: Rinascimento, Masks of Nyarlathotep, and Orange Glow. The other 6 games on here are D&D (and it's actually kind of a reach not to put Rinascimento in that category, too). It's be nice to have a change. But M&M can be complicated, and it can take a lot of adjudication. I think it could work really well in the right format. I've toyed around with powers in Threads being random, which would help me from a Storytelling standpoint. I've considered ruling out most powers for intial purchase in Lost Carcosa, to reflect the mortality of the game (but allow them to be gained through play). I rarely run anything in the pure, vanilla format it comes in, because I like to tweak things. M&M is infinitely tweakable, and I love it for that. Venusian Skies almost made it on this list as well, except that the setting still requires considerable work. It's a big project. Threads and Carcosa, however, I've already done most of the work on (in my head and on notes). They could work nicely. I think they're awesome, but I'm biased. If they don't cause a flood of interest, as I said, I'll probably just stick to good ol' clean D&D, and pick up 4e as my next game. Threads and Carcosa would only really work with very devoted roleplayers anyway, willing to put a lot of work into story and development, which can be extremely difficult to committ to on a daily basis. But on the bright side, you might wind up in my next story if you do it. Badasterysk - shoot me a PM with your email and I'll send you a copy of the novel. Been sending it out for read-throughs and opinions.
We do need some Shorts. I've half a mind to design a 'New Academy' for people interested in experimenting with 4e, drafting up some premade characters and running through little missions. Could be cool. But I'd only do that whenever Dark Sun runs its course, which will be a while yet. Unless they all get killed in Draj.
Post by Yakumo on May 28, 2008 10:56:48 GMT -5
I've actually been looking for a new game to play. I like the M&M idea, but I don't knwo if I could get into a whole new system. 1. seems like a really good idea and I wouldn't mind getting in on it. 2. I wouldn't play, but I could imagine that disqualified might not mean anything to some characters.
I don't have 4e, but I wouldn't be adverse to playing a short, low level game of it. Even if to just let others see how it runs through without having to commit to another game.
If someone is willing to run a short, even with premades that you wanna see how they work. I'll definitely give it a shot.
Post by TheUdjat on May 28, 2008 15:08:56 GMT -5
Ok, I just had a thought. What if, instead of an outright campaign, I ran a series of Shorts all set in the world proposed by Four? They would all take place in the same world, with one pool of characters that people could choose from. All the stories would be related in some fashion, advancing an over-arching plot that concerns the setting as a whole and the pool of characters, rather than just one party of them.
What do you guys think? Does this idea have merit?
Post by Rojito on May 28, 2008 15:39:56 GMT -5
ok first off the amazing Race is a Reality TV show that is based off the Great Race (i am pretty sure) 2ndly Mynok will not die to any Draji 3rd the new idea for Four sounds alot like the campaign Kman is running now, his 'short' even though its mostly the same players and its been goin on for awhile now... hell it was my FIRST game i joined, almost 2000 posts later... i would love to get into another game just like it
Post by TheUdjat on May 28, 2008 15:50:27 GMT -5
ok first off the amazing Race is a Reality TV show that is based off the Great Race (i am pretty sure) 2ndly Mynok will not die to any Draji 3rd the new idea for Four sounds alot like the campaign Kman is running now, his 'short' even though its mostly the same players and its been goin on for awhile now... hell it was my FIRST game i joined, almost 2000 posts later... i would love to get into another game just like it You mean Fangor's game, I take it? It's similar in the sense that each section is its own adventure, but I don't want to use the same group for each adventure. Indeed, I will even rank the various 'quests' by level, as with Academy games, to keep this from happening. But the individual stories will all slowly advance a larger plot, as well as resolve their own, smaller conflict. That's the idea, anyway. If it sounds more interesting than just a stand-alone campaign. The way I see it, it has the advantage of allowing more people a chance to sample 4e in one consistent world, and everyone can watch and see how the setting develops over time. It would have premade characters, as with the Academy, which would make it easier to jump into for people who don't know 4e. It'd also make it easier for people who don't like it to jump out, when they realize it's not their thing. I also love seeing what people do with premade characters, and how they bring them to life. I don't know, it seemed like a good idea. I'm very bad at running games that don't have an interconnected plot, so I might as well admit that up front if I'm planning to do 'Shorts'. Everything winds up connected, just by virtue of how I plot games.
Post by Fangor the Fierce on May 28, 2008 16:00:35 GMT -5
Yeah, I used the concept to try a 'short' concept, which could easily, in the case that all members of past group decide to continue, easily be a continuation of the last adventure. Lion in the Ropes has NOTHING to do with Dzeebagd or the current adventure of Felsentheim. I simply added the link to Lord Galveston, and it was done.
Either way, I am sure that whichever concept you go with will be a good one. Hopefully the player's will stick around long enough to finish it.
Post by Rojito on May 28, 2008 16:03:23 GMT -5
yeah ment fangors, sry got a phone call at 2am so little sleep. But yeah it all seems good to me, i'd play it as Academy.
Post by MaestroXC on May 28, 2008 16:25:38 GMT -5
As would I. I'd be very interested in trying out the new 4e stuff for size.
Post by Deekin on May 28, 2008 17:01:20 GMT -5
4e is awesome. I would be up for that.
Post by Yakumo on May 28, 2008 17:02:44 GMT -5
All this talk makes me really want to play another game already, but it seems most peopel are tapped out or it will be a bit before something gets going. And now I kind of want to ginuea pig for a 4th edition game since it seems most players are hard set against trying it out.
Post by VemuKhaham on May 29, 2008 9:14:28 GMT -5
Hmm, a short seems tempting, especially since I'm not sure if I can dedicate myself to a long campaign. And I would like to find out if 4e has some stuff that I could use. And premade characters seem to be a nice way to easily get into the new system and a good challenge to bring your premades alive, as you put it. I'd be willing to give it a shot.
However, the number four is nice and all, with elements and fiends, but your introduction didn't quite make much sense to me yet. What will it be about? Will we all be balancing in an endless void on a big threedimensional number 4?
Post by TheUdjat on May 29, 2008 9:59:09 GMT -5
Hmm, a short seems tempting, especially since I'm not sure if I can dedicate myself to a long campaign. And I would like to find out if 4e has some stuff that I could use. And premade characters seem to be a nice way to easily get into the new system and a good challenge to bring your premades alive, as you put it. I'd be willing to give it a shot. However, the number four is nice and all, with elements and fiends, but your introduction didn't quite make much sense to me yet. What will it be about? Will we all be balancing in an endless void on a big threedimensional number 4? Go look at the Ancient History bit in Writings/Scribblings if you want to know more. The snippet in the description was just a poetic way of saying that the number Four will be important to how the world works. Four Pantheons with Four Gods each Four Elements, with every creature/race tied to one of the elements Four Seasons, each of Four Months, in a Calendar with 400 days (and, incidentally, 8-day weeks). Forty Fiends that dwell in the Abyss, jealously watching the world (like Great Old Ones) And so forth. Four, multiples of four, fractions of or by four, etc. It's more of a background element, though important to the overarching plotline I have in mind. It's a world in development. Besides the Ancient History article you can check out now, I also plan to create 'Religion', 'Recent History', and 'Geography'. Should cover most of the basics. Then I'll do a write-up about the series of Shorts and how I'll plan to run them (i.e. Like the Academy, some other institute, or something else entirely).