Post by tork8342 on Apr 11, 2009 5:29:03 GMT -5
Name: Tork, the grusome Race: Half-Orc Class: Fighter lv2 Height: 6’ 8” Weight: 278lbs Skin: light, Hair: long dark hair, Eyes: dark eyes
Ability Scores: Str: 18 (+4) Dex: 10 (0) Con: 16 (+3) Int: 6 (-2) Wis: 11 (0) Cha: 6 (-2) (He's not smart or very attractive not the kinda guy you want to hang out with but the one you want when your in a tight dungeon)
Hp: 24 (8+3) Init: +0 Speed: 20ft AC: 16 Touch: 10 Flat Footed:16
Attack Bonuses BAB+2 BM +6 BR +2
Fort: +6 Ref: +0 Will: +0
Weapons: MW Great Axe +7 1d12+6 12lbs
Battle Axe +6 1d8+4 or 2h 1d8+6 8lbs
Armor: Splint Mail +6AC +0MD -7ACP 45lbs
Feats: 3 Power Attack -Cleave -Improved Bull Rush
Skills: 1 Jump +5 (+13 total)
Equipment: B.A.G. 50lbs 40gp
Items: short cloak (barely hangs over his large shoulders,currently made of 25 human scalps) Potion: Cure light wounds (1d6+1) (x6) 7.0
Post by tork8342 on Apr 11, 2009 5:56:33 GMT -5
Tork was a bastard child living a outcast life in an orc village with his mother who, after raping his father and baring him, was barely accepted with her people any more. Then his village was attacked by a band of rebel hunters, seeking revenge for a human raping by orcs which had grown even more popular in that village. They captured all the young and made them slaves. Even at a young age the half-orc showed great physical strength. Competing in slave wars (think roman gladiator but with slave children from a different race) that these humans supported from an early age. He was the only one of the fighters to ever make it all the way to man hood at which time he was released and was told of his past by an old wise man. Learning of his past he sought revenge for the killing of his would have been family. He began to track down almost every one of the men in the band of rebels. When satisfied he found all living members and exacted his revenge (he found all but 5 of the 30 and wears a cape made of scalps) he is now out to do the only thing that he knows how to do….follow his barbaric instincts kill, get rich, kill, drink, kill, have sex, kill, gain glory and respect, and have I mention kill?? While he is over eager to fight he never picks one but will never turn one down. He lives by a simple code I do what I do no one messes with me and no one gets hurt. He is not much for strategy but will take orders if he finds the person of respectable courage. 7.0